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mosswg web site


im moss, im 19, im comp sci major (real surprising i know). im an enby/trans girl/i dont even know. all i know is im very lesbian if you care. and computers i guess. they just make sense. computers are easier to deal with than people cause i already know my computer hates me for all the useless shit i make it run.


i mostly use c++ for programming although recently ive been getting more into c and assembly for smaller projects. I have an assembly library that i continue to work on as well as a game of terminal snake that i recently made with c. i have also been working on my own language although its not nearly in a working state yet. i mostly write whatever i find fun or interesting.


im a big fan of hardcore music (think minor threat). my scene is pretty small but there are a few band i like such as exposure therapy and sedition (rip). i play bass and guitar and im learning drums. im trying to start a band but i have pretty bad social axiety so im bad at talking to new people. my girlfriend also likes hardcore but her scene is way better. i should just move in with her i think.

to be continued...

ill add more stuff here eventually... maybe